Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to Have A Nonalcoholic Bachelorette Party

This weekend my bridesmaids put together a bachelorette party for me! But because I am under 21, most of my bridesmaids are under 21, and I wanted my party to revolve around my girls and I instead of drinking, I chose to have a dry party.

That being said, that doesn't mean we had a quilting circle and baked pies! So here are my steps to having a fun booze-free bachelorette party:

1) Get a hotel room. My bridesmaids got us a hotel room with a pool and hot tub to relax and hang out in. It was so nice to get away for a night, so right away I felt special doing something out of the ordinary. And my girls decorated the room and brought an amazing  animal print (my obsession!) cake, which definitely helped with the party vibe.


2) Get dolled up and go out to a local restaurant. It was so much fun for all of the girls to curl each other's hair, share makeup, and get prettied up to go out to dinner. We went to a local place called the Grandvilla Restaurant , which had a little something for everyone. It wasn't super expensive for fancy, but it was delicious. And it is always fun to get dolled up and have someone else cook for you.

3) Go on a mall scavenger hunt. This was a wonderful idea! The girls drove me to a random location for a "secret mission." So we ended up at the mall, all dolled up in a tiara, veil, and sash. I was to complete a list before the party could really start. Some included asking couples for marriage advice, getting my ring cleaned at the ring shop, and asking for wedding advice. Everyone I talked to was so nice, and the girls got a kick out of giggling at me awkwardly talking to strangers.

4) Play sexy games. Once we got back to the hotel room, my girls had a few games planned. We didn't take any pictures of these, but here is an explanation of one that is fun, easy, and not too raunchy:
Have all of the girls buy a few pairs of panties for the bride that would describe their personality. At the party, the bride had to guess who got her which panties. The bride gets all the panties. It was quick, fairly affordable for the bridesmaids, a lot of fun.

5) Just enjoy the time with your girls. The rest of the night we spent in the pool, talking about girly things and marriage, laughed a lot, and just enjoyed the time together. This was perfect for me, especially since I will be moving out of state soon. I really enjoyed the time and am so blessed to have such amazing bridesmaids.

So there you go! A list of ideas that goes to show you a fun bachelorette party does not have to involve strippers and alcohol. I had an incredible time at my party, and would not have had it any other way.

Love and blessings,

Annmarie Faye

P.S. The man had his bachelor party this weekend too, and also had no booze or strippers. His activity: paintball! I still do not understand why guys have fun coming home with welts all over there body, but they all had a blast and want to do it again soon. Just an idea for those looking for non-alcoholic bachelor parties..

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