Friday, May 10, 2013

Things My Mom Has Taught Me

My mother, more affectionately known as Jan, is a loving, crazy, generous cook who loves her family. I have been so blessed to have her as a mother. In honor of Mother's Day being this weekend, here is a list of what Jan has taught me throughout the years.

1) If you are a people pleaser (as Jan and I are), cooking for people is the best way to fulfill that habit.

2) A parent's job is to give their child roots and wings. The wings are the hard part.

3) When you wear jewelry, it looks like you put a lot thought into how you look that day.

4) How to be an amazing stay-at-home mother. This has actually inspired me to stay at home with my children someday.

5) How to go out of your comfort zone. After us kids were in school full time, Jan went back into the work force. As scary as it must have been after being a homemaker for years, she did it. And is still working at that same job.

6) A good work ethic is one of the most important things you can have.

7) It is important to visit elderly and sick people who usually do not get visitors.

8) Family is so important, and if you're lucky (I am!), they will be some of your best friends.

From left to right: Ter (Dad), Jan (Mom), Clay (brother), me, and the man

9) It is possible to start healthy habits at any age. (Jan has dropped over 70 pounds!)

10) "Marry someone who you think hung the moon and the stars, and who feels the same way about you."

11) "Sometimes I want to smack your father when he snores at night. But I still get butterflies when I hear the garage door open when we comes home from work. And I still touch up my lipstick. That is love."

Jan and Ter have been married 24 years!
12) "What I want most for you is to be able to support yourself and to be happy. In that order."

13) How to always keep faith in God, even when life is full of struggles.

Thank you Jan, for all that you've taught me. You've shaped me into the woman I am today, and I truly think of you as one of my best friends.

Hope everyone enjoys their Mother's Day!

Love and Blessings,

Annmarie Faye

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