Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting my Tourist On: Exploring PA with the Family

This week the man and I got the pleasure of having his brother, Jon, and his wife, Rachel, stay with us for the week. And it has been a blast! Being away from family has been hard on us, so getting to spend a lot of time together has been really good for us.

While the man had to work, I got to tag along with them on some touristy adventures. Below is a recap of what we have done this week:

Saturday: Shady Maple Smorgasbord
It is basically a boss buffet (over 100 feet long!) that will fill you up so much that you won't need to eat for the rest of the day!

They also have a fun gift shop, hence where Rachel turned into a safari leader who caught a Annmarie-turned-monkey
Don't judge us!
Sunday: Hershey Park
We all ventured to Hershey Park to take a tour of the Hershey Factory, omnom on chocolate, and ride some boss roller coasters. Besides being a wee bit warm, it was a blast!
Aw, nice shot Rachel!
The man and I, a little disheveled from the roller coasters
Monday: Gettysburg
While Brad worked, Jon and Rachel let me tag along to Gettysburg. Wow was it pretty! And crazy to think about how many men trudged over the hilly areas and fought to the death for what they believed was right. Crazy to think about.
One of the bazillion memorials at Gettysburg
An amazing view we got from the top of a super-tall observation tower...that had no elevator option...ow my quads.,,but worth it.
This girls with a canon...pretty boss, eh?
We also stopped by a rare and used book store. While this was more Jon's thing (he collects antique books) I did find a little treasure myself...
Another addition to my growing cookbook collection
This book, which I bought for $33, is a first edition second printing from 1961, making it worth anywhere form $100-$300! Boo yah!

Tuesday: Explore Lititz, the coolest small town in America
Jon, Rachel and I explored the next town over from us, which was voted the coolest small town in America! They also are known for Wilbur's Chocolate, the place where Milton Hershey apprenticed and is said to have stolen the idea for Hershey's Kisses from!
Hershey, you are an imposter! These Buds were even tastier than your kisses!
Later that night, Rachel and I attempted to make our mother-in-laws famous chicken chimichangas. And while they weren't folded correctly according to Jon, they tasted good.
Rachel and I with our finished product. And boy were they good!
Wednesday: King of Prussia Mall
King of Prussia mall is the biggest mall on the east coast, so we had to check it out! It was full of many stores that I feel like I'm too poor to even step into ($1,000 scarf at Louis Vutton?), but also a lot of fun stores that were more in our price range and just plain fun to look at.
I created a Lego-me at the Lego store!
Chick-filet is one of my favorite fast food places. That chicken is divine!
Thursday: NYC
Jon and Rachel are off gallivanting in NYC today. I'm so excited for them! And as for me, I'm content catching up on laundry and getting this house a little bit more in order. Plus I would feel just wrong seeing NYC for the first time without the man.

Hope everyone is having even half as fun of a week as I am!

Love and blessings,

Annmarie Faye

P.S. And here is just another view from our apartment. Ah God is great!

I hope this view never gets old.


  1. I hope you are having a lot of fun

  2. Thanks Beth! It was a lot of fun! Can't wait for you guys to come visit!
